Good for Québec.
Good for Earth.
Reduce our
greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions by
*Below the 1990 level.
We can replace imported fossil fuels with green energy produced here in Québec.
Let’s leverage our greatest asset: hydroelectricity.
of the electricity we already produce here is clean and renewable.
$8.5B/year in imported oil is 57% of Québec’s trade deficit and pumps out more than 50% of our GHG emissions.
1 plan.
4 key actions.

Prioritizing electrification will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
Québec has everything to gain by electrifying its economy to fight climate change. The Plan includes measures to electrify transportation, industry and buildings. Renewable energy will act in synergy with energy efficiency, also helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
These were the main sectors responsible for greenhouse gas emissions in Québec in 2017:

- Transports (44.8%)
- Industry (30%)
- Residential, commercial and institutional (10.3%)
Here are some concrete examples:
- Electrifying public transportation (in French)(external link)
- Supporting access to subsidized electric vehicles(external link)
- Extending the network of charging stations(external link)
- Erecting high-performance, low-carbon buildings
- Supporting industry efforts to reduce GHGs (in French)(external link)

Build the economy of tomorrow.
Whether by improving battery performance and storage technology or supplementing the hydroelectric network with other sources of clean energy, emerging technologies will create quality jobs and help bolster our collective wealth. Our expertise will be exported beyond our borders to help reduce GHG emissions and boost resiliency to the impact of climate change elsewhere on our planet.

Boosting Québec’s resiliency to climate change means prevention, not abstention.
Flooding, coastal erosion, permafrost thawing, heat islands and more are already in our face. Climate change is impacting our communities and our infrastructure. Tackling these challenges requires understanding their scope, but also taking preventive action to strengthen our resiliency in the face of the inevitable transformations that await us.
Our preparedness at a glance
- Conserving natural environments
- Shielding ourselves from (in French)(external link)
- Protecting our communities from coastal erosion (in French)(external link)
- Greening our urban environments

Make the climate change transition a collective success.
The fight against climate change is a responsibility we all share. Governments, businesses, municipalities and private citizens have to work together to achieve our common goals. The government will lead the way by the strength of its example, helping municipalities, communities and individuals make new and more sustainable life choices. Québec already has one of the most efficient carbon markets in the world, with all proceeds supporting climate action.
We have the power to act!
- Reduce food waste and compost more (in French)(external link)
- Buy local (in French)(external link)
- Act locally (in French)(external link)
- Act internationally(external link)
- Buy responsibly (in French)(external link)
- Adapt through cooperation (external link)
- Develop sustainable mobility (in French) (external link)
4 key actions. 1 greener Québec
We mean to succeed

in investments in the first five years
With the lowest GHG emissions per capita in North America, Québec is already leading the way. That should make us all proud.
Quebecers agree: We just can’t wait any longer.
We know
you’re with us.
Let’s move forward together.