Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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The Carbon Market

Join Us

Please do not send personal or confidential information by email, as this means of communication is not secure.

CITSS support services

To submit documents required for a user registration application or for opening an account, or for information on using the CITSS system or registering for the Cap-and-Trade System, please contact the C&T System Registrar by calling 418 521-3868, option 3, or 1 800 561-1616, option 3, or sending an email to:

Auction customer service

For information on auction registration and participation, please contact the Carbon Market Division staff by calling 418 521-3868, option 2, or 1 800 561-1616, option 2, or sending an email to:

Offset credits

For information on offset credits, or to submit documents as part of an application for offset credits, please contact the offset credit team in the Carbon Market Division by calling 1 800 561-1616 or 418 521-3868, option 1, or sending an email to:

Secure platform for electronic transmission of personal or confidential information

To submit personal or confidential information and confidential documents electronically, please use the secure file transfer platform used by the Carbon Market Division.

To access the carbon market workspace on the secure file transfer platform or obtain further information on the electronic transfer of documents, please contact the C&T System Registrar by calling 418-521-3868, option 3, or 1-800-561-1616, option 3 or sending an email to:

You can also access the Cap-and-trade - Carbon Market workspace terms of use on the secure file transfer platform (French, PDF, 31 KB).

General information

For general information about the Cap-and-Trade System and the carbon market, contact the C&T System Registrar by calling 418 521-3868, option 3, or 1 800 561-1616, option 3, or sending an email to

Media relations

Media representatives should use the hotline that has been set up for them by calling 418 521-3991 or sending an email to:

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