Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Transboundary watershed management

Québec’s hydrographic system is linked to those of several neighbouring provinces and states.

Rivière des Outaouais

In 2006, Québec and Ontario signed a cooperative agreement concerning transboundary environmental issues which, among other things, covers aspects relating to water.

Ontario and Québec intend to step up their cooperation with respect to the rivière des Outaouais. In this regard, the Ministère has prepared a summary of available information for the Québec section of the rivière des Outaouais watershed.

Great Lakes–Saint Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement

Signed in 2005 by the governors of the eight Great Lakes states and the premiers of Québec and Ontario, this agreement aims primarily to prohibit out-of-basin water diversions and to ensure the integrated management of this vast territory’s waters according to a set of common rules.

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